Fully automatic color card production line for card sizes up to 5 pages DIN A4 wide (420 x 1100mm).
Ultrahigh output with up to 750 cards per hour with up to 250 color chips, paper backed fabric swatches, soft laminates, wallpapers and other flexible materials.
Since 1949, the competencies of POLYTEX lie in the development, design, manufacturing and world-wide sale and distribution of sample making machines. As a professional partner for textile manufacturers and sample factories in more than 100 countries, POLYTEX has succeeded in coming up with innovations in the sampling sector year after year making POLYTEX the global leader in sample making equipment.
Our manufacturing range includes everything from simple manufacturing aids to fully automatic high-performance sample production plants and robots, together with the relevant consumables, in order to guarantee that your products are presented in their best light!
- sample cutting and pinking machines
- universal mounting machines for color shade cards
- fully automatic color card production lines
- waterfall sample mounting machines for upholstery, garment and shirting fabrics
- yarn sample tab winding machines
Flagship product